Applecroft School

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Our vision for Computing at Applecroft

Computing is an integral part of everyday modern life – the skills, knowledge and thinking methods gained through high-quality engagement with this subject will have a great impact on our children's futures. As such, at Applecroft it is vital that our children are equipped with the Computing understanding, skills and knowledge, as well as the creativity and enthusiasm that they need in order to thrive and adapt in a world increasingly dependent on Computing. 


Our vision is for inspiring, engaging and progressive Computing embedded across the curriculum using a range of devices with e-safety as an integral part of teaching and learning. We aim to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children, preparing them for their next stage of learning. 


How do we teach Computing?

Currently, there is no statutory requirement to teach 'Computing' in the Early Years. However, at Applecroft, we feel this area of the curriculum is both important and relevant to our pupils everyday experience. Therefore, we have taken the decision to include 'Computing' in our Early Years curriculum. 

In Nursery, we follow our own Computing curriculum which is written to compliment, and prepare children for the learning they will experience in Reception.

In Reception, we follow the Kapow scheme of work for Computing.

Both our Nursery and Reception classes provide children with daily opportunities for Computing skills to be developed through 'continuous provision'.


In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the National Curriculum for Computing and use the National Centre of Computing Excellence (NCCE)'s 'Teach Computing' Curriculum to deliver it.  The NCCE Teach Computing Curriculum has been designed by experts in the Computing field and is regularly updated to reflect the    ever-evolving world of Computing. Teachers are able to ensure there is clear progression and development of a range of skills and knowledge, with opportunities for challenge in every lesson.


Our Computing Curriculum is split into three key areas: Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. 

Digital Literacy is taught during the autumn term and covers 'Creating Media' units. This includes looking at digital painting, digital writing, digital photography, making music and editing photo, videos and audio. 

Computing Science is taught during the spring term and covers the 'Programming' units. This includes looking at moving a robot and robot algorithms, programming animations, quizzes and games. 

Information Technology is taught during the summer term and covers the 'Computing Systems and Networks' and 'Data and Information' units. Computing Systems and Networks focuses on technology around us, the internet, sharing information and communication. Data and Information focuses on grouping data, pictograms, databases and data logging. 


Keeping ourselves safe online is fundamental in our digital world. 

From Years 1-6, Online Safety is explicitly taught as the first unit of learning in the Autumn term. The Twinkl PlanIt scheme is used to deliver this. In EYFS, the National Online Safety scheme is used during Spring and Summer term to deliver Online Safety lessons as part of their Computing lessons. 

At the start of every Computing lesson, an Online Safety scenario is used as a discussion point to ensure that Online Safety is at the forefront of every child mind.                                    

Computing Road Maps

Year 4 Podcasts


In Year 4, we have been busy creating our own short podcast episodes. Here are some of our favourite podcasts!

The Christmas Podcast

E and E News Podcast

Radio News Podcast

Podcasting in Action!

Computing In Action in the Early Years

Computing at Home

Please find below a range of resources which can support your child's development in computational thinking at home - some with a device, many without - have a look at some 'unplugged' ideas to engage with as a family, such as playing Twister, doing a jigsaw, following a recipe - all of these involve sequences and algorithms:


Without a device:


With a device:

Purple Mash – Entire Computing section (All pupils already have a log in) 

Interactive learning games from barefoot Computing

What is Computing Science - KS1?  

What is Computing Science - KS2?

What is Digital Literacy - KS1?  

What is Digital Literacy - KS2? 

What is Information Technology - KS1? 

What is Information Technology - KS2?   


If you have a BBC Micro:Bit  

The Raspberry Pi Foundation set weekly challenges

Hour of Code
