Applecroft School

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Welcome to the Geography page of Applecroft School


Geography is the study of the intrinsic connection between the human and physical characteristics of the world around us. The teaching of geography allows our pupils to grow and develop as respectful, responsible members of the local and global communities, with an awareness of their place in the world and their impact upon it. Lessons are designed to inspire curiosity and ignite a passion for understanding and protecting the world and populations around us.


At Applecroft, we follow the CUSP curriculum for Geography, which enables pupils to think deeply about the topics covered through the use of rich vocabulary and by building strong connections with previous learning and individual experiences and understanding. Our Geography policy is below, as well as our road map and photos of this exciting subject in action, so please do take a look.


Mrs. Brandon

Geography Curriculum Leader

Whole School Road Map - Geography

Useful Links to Geography sites


Digimaps - School login provided on your child's Google Classroom


A selection of quizzes, word searches and puzzles with a geographical theme.


The children's area of the Ordinance Survey. Map skills information, puzzles and activities. Also some interesting study topics to extend or broaden your understanding under 'Geography.'


