Applecroft School

Nurturing Potential, Inspiring Minds, Changing Lives

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Safeguarding at Applecroft School:

At Applecroft School we are committed to safeguarding and expect all staff and volunteers to share this  commitment. The welfare and safety of all our children, is our priority at all times. 


All schools have a legal duty to look out for signs of abuse in children and report any concerns to Social Services within their Local Authority, who will carry out any necessary investigations. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with their parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare. We follow the procedures and guidelines set out by the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Partnership

‍We actively support the Government's Prevent agenda to counter radicalisation and extremism and are an Operation Encompass school. 


Applecroft School follows Safer Recruitment procedures with interview panels always including at least one, and often several members of staff, who have completed Safer Recruitment training. All staff are required to complete an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check before they can work in school. 


Applecroft School has several policies and procedures relating to Child Protection and Safeguarding which can be viewed here


The Safeguarding Team:

Safeguarding at Applecroft School is everyone's responsibility. Named individuals have specific safeguarding roles. 


At Applecroft School, we have three Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs), currently Ms Ruth Johnson is the lead DSL.


Ms Ruth JohnsonMiss Eloise YatesMrs Natalie Clementson

Ms Jale Apicella

Mrs Lisa Withe

Mr Paul Wyatt


Mrs Carey O'Connor



If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding please contact our DSLs via


The Headteacher reports to the Governing Board half-termly via the Pupil and Personnel Welfare (PPW) Committee as well to the Full Governing Board each term.


Our lead governor for Safeguarding is Mr Ben Kirby. 

All staff, governors and volunteers receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training, relevant to their role, which is updated at least annually. 


Online Safety:

Applecroft School subscribes to 'National Online Safety' whose mission it is to make the Internet a safer place for children. Through this subscription we offer Online Safety training to our parents as well as a wide range of support guides which can be access via the Online Safety page of our website. Click here to access it.


Further Support and Resources for Children:

The NSPCC provides support for children across the UK. The pupil's chose it as their charity in the 2021-2022 academic year and raised almost £2000! 


The NSPCC run 'Childline' which has been supporting children and young people for over 35 years. To find out more click here or to speak to someone call 0800 1111 (7:30-3:30pm Monday-Friday & 9-3:30pm at weekends).


They offer 'Toolbox' which is a wonderful online space for you to relax, de-stress and share any worries. Click here to access it. 


Why not visit the NSPCC YouTube Channel for helpful videos. Click here to access it. 


More support is available via the children and young people section of the 'Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership' website. Click here to access it. 


Further Support and Resources for Parents/Carers:

The NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity. Their website has a wealth of information and support which you can access by clicking here.


NSPCC - Support for Parents page

NSPCC helpline - to access this click here or call 0808 800 5000


Download the 'Positive Parenting' guide for advice and tips on parenting children at different ages.


More support is available via the parent and carer section of the 'Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership' website. Click here to access it. 
