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Applecroft School, Applecroft Road,
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6JZ
- 01707 323 758
Applecroft School
Nurturing Potential, Inspiring Minds, Changing Lives
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Monday 23rd March: Year 6 Update
Hello to you all and we hope you are all well.
Hopefully everyone has the packs of work we sent out last week and you have obviously found the Year 6 page on the website which contains some additional links. Doubtless you have also been inundated with 'helpful'social media posts, shares and messages which you may choose to use.
As we finish the Spring term and adjust to this situation, we would like to stress that whilst we would like to try and ensure your children continue to consolidate their learning, there is no expectation that children complete every last bit of the home learning we have provided. You are in the best position to judge what your children need at this time. That may be a familiar page of arithmetic, reading something they enjoy or perhaps completing their biscuit baking project. However, there are many things they can learn at home and they also need exercise, time in the garden if that's possible, time to talk and down time. If they read every day, practice their maths skills and take some exercise this will stand them in good stead. We continue to use email and this webpage to keep in touch regarding home learning.
Stay in touch and stay safe