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Year Six

Welcome to Year 6


Mrs Carey O'Connor - Warhol Class Teacher, Year Group Leader & Years 4-6 Phase Leader

Mrs Amy Brandon - Moore Class Teacher (W-F)

Mrs Sharon Boulton - Moore Class Teacher (M&T)

Mrs Laura Slee - Learning Support Assistant

Ms Donna Syrett - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Vicki Vilka - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Vikki Wake - PPA Lead - RE

Mr Bradley Passade - PPA Lead - PE

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

2023-2024 Academic Year


Autumn Term 2023 Timetables

Academic Year 2022-2023

Year 6 Curriculum on a Page

Academic Year 2021/2022

Year 6 Photo Gallery: Autumn 2021

Academic Year 2020/2021

Year 6 Spring 2021: Work Galleries and News


This term we have been working in Google Classrooms and wanted to share some of the fantastic work our Year 6 children have turned in. Since we can't display and share this in our classrooms and corridors as we normally do, we decided to celebrate the hard work, talent and creativity our pupils have shown in our virtual galleries.

Spring 2021 Timetable

Spring 2021: Y6 Learning from 11.01.21

Dear Parents and Carers,


Can we first say a huge thank you to all of you for being so understanding and facilitating our switch to lockdown learning in the face of the difficulties posed by this new situation. We have been so impressed with the attendance and engagement of the children in our GC lessons and know that the children in school have been equally keen to join in and follow our learning too.


We have spent the last few days refreshing and learning skills ourselves so we can deliver a mixture of live meet lessons, online assignments and school-based tasks. This has been a steep learning curve for some of us and we are thankful for Mrs Keefe's expertise gained from online teaching in the last school closure. Our Year 6 team includes Mrs Boulton, Mrs Keefe, Mrs Entwisle, Mrs Parnham and Mrs Sadat. Miss Buckingham will also be working with children in Y6.


From Monday we will be working to the timetable above, although we may need to adapt this as and when circumstances change. Every morning there is a 9.00 registration for all children. It is important that every child is registered for safeguarding reasons. There will also be a maths and English lesson each morning which will usually start with a live lesson followed by an assignment. The afternoons are timetabled so we retain a broad, balanced curriculum and will be a mixture of live lesson inputs and online assignments. Live lessons will be recorded and available later in the day, for children who cannot access the live lesson or those who want to check back on an aspect of learning. In-school learning will follow the same curriculum with live lessons and some adaptation of resources in the classroom. 


We would ask that you encourage and support your children to complete all assignments with a hand in date. Other assignments are optional but would further support their learning. This said, we are mindful that circumstances may make this difficult for some children. We want them all to continue to make progress and benefit from ongoing learning, but we do not want children to become anxious if they are doing their very best to complete their work.


Thank you all for your support and we look forward to a new week of learning next week. 


Our best wishes to all our Year 6 families and hope that you stay safe.


The Year 6 Team 

Online Learning Spring Term

Online learning will take place via Google Classrooms which Year 6 have been using since September for all home learning. The first live meet will be at 9.30 on Wednesday 6th January in the Y6 classroom. We will welcome the children and explain expectations for the rest of week and how we intend to organise the timetable for learning in Year 6. Children who are still attending school in person will also join this session and will be following the same timetable. If any children are unable to attend the lesson at 9.30 they should watch the recording available shortly afterwards.

Thank You!

Still image for this video
Year 6 - Welcome Meeting - September 2020

Curriculum Letter - Autumn 2020

Class Read Aloud:

'The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane' by Kate diCamillo 

As you listen to each section of the story, consider the question posted with the link.

