Applecroft School

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Physical Education (PE)

Curriculum Intent:

At Applecroft, the intent of teaching PE is to give the children the tools to take part in a range of physical activity and school sport to make a positive impact on their own physical health and wellbeing. We encourage a wide range of sporting and physical skills and opportunities to help support fitness and life choices.  PE can challenge and promote self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and problem solving. It can teach children to cope with both success and failure in competitive individual and team based physical activities .



The subject is implemented through an aim to provide high quality PE experience for all our children. This is achieved through regular CPD (for individuals, the subject leader and whole staff) to ensure that Physical Education is taught effectively. Teachers use a variety of planning documents and resources. These documents are progressive, coherent and apply fundamental movement skills, which are year group appropriate. Children are assessed through the Dacorum Assessment tools. Subject vocabulary (gymnastics) is displayed in the main hall to support learning as well as begin reinforced by teachers.

Children are given wider opportunities to build character and embed values through regular teamwork activities, intra house and inter competitions. Sports Premium Funding is used to increase physical competency of children and also provides staff with resources and high-quality equipment. Children are provided with their full entitlement to Physical Education.



Pupil Voice and end of year assessments demonstrate evidence of children’s progress. Regular verbal feedback is given within lessons to praise and ensure children are applying the correct technique. Children have an understanding of their own learning and support peers to continue to improve and excel.  The children understand the impact of Physical activity on their own body (this is also linked to science topics). Through the PE / Sports premium action plan, pupil voice and Sports Partnership, regular reviews take place to explore the impact of any improvement initiatives. Measurable impact of swimming through high (90% or above) swimming percentage over 25m and an increased competitive nature at sport competitions at level 2 and 3.


Competition Intent:

As part of our competition offer, all KS2 children are given the opportunity to participate in competitions and festivals across their time at Applecroft School. Our lunch clubs are planned and run in accordance with the competition that is coming up and then children are selected to participate from this. We believe in ensuring that our teams are well prepared before attending these events. Most importantly, we want children to enjoy the experience and strive to achieve their very best. For festivals, we encourage all children to take part. An example of this, is the Year 5 dance festival. The children perform two dances to an audience. Both Y3 and Y5 take part in Fun Runs.


At Applecroft we take great pride in sending our children to these events as we believe it encourages children to put their learning into practice, develop their skills and become better sports people. It also allows children to practise their sportsmanship and display our school values of ambition, leadership, kindness, supportiveness, respect, honesty, determination and resilience.

Whole School PE Road Maps

Whole School Curriculum Maps - PE

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Nursery & Reception

On-Line Learning

The amount of online resources out there can be overwhelming.  The School Games Organisers and Herts Sport Partnership have put together a database of resources which can be accessed below.  This will be regularly updated.


In addition,  Yorkshire Sport Foundation and leading national organisations have been working with Physical Educators from across the country to support parents to teach PE at home. Endorsed by the DfE these short two-minute videos show parents free, fun and easy to follow PE activities for the whole family to enjoy together and help children and young people to continue their skill development in PE.

Each #ThisIsPE video focuses on a different aspect of the National Curriculum. Videos are posted at 1pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


Disney 10 minute shake ups - 10-minute videos based on Disney films that count towards a child’s 60 active minutes per day.


Super Movers - PE Videos which help children move while they learn. They support curriculum subjects, including maths and English.   


This is PE - Videos delivered by teachers focussing on the PE curriculum which are accessible on YouTube.
