Applecroft School

Nurturing Potential, Inspiring Minds, Changing Lives

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Welcome to Reception with:


Miss Eloise Yates - Reception Seurat Teacher, Year Group Leader & EYFS Phase Leader

Mrs Fern Warden - Kandinsky Class Teacher - on maternity leave

Mrs Rebecca Thomas - Kandinsky Class Teacher (Tuesday-Thursday)

Mrs Alison Rieck - Kandinsky Class Teacher (Monday & Friday)

Miss Eleni Georgiou - Early Years Practitioner

Mrs Nicola Sadler - Early Years Practitioner

Miss Sarah Nolan - Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Vikki Wake - PPA Lead - RE

Mr Bradley Passade - PPA Lead - PE

Contact Us:


We can be contacted on the following email address: 

Information Meeting for Parents & Carers

Welcome Meeting for Parents and Carers

Family Centre Services Information Video

This video is about HCT's School Nursing Service
